meataverse gamepark
Product status: Alpha
Last updated
Product status: Alpha
Last updated
In 2022, looking to expand the use and value of our STEAKS token, steak4all created the MEATAVERSE gamepark concept.
Gamepark: is a portmanteau of games and a themepark. It is a place of fun, recreation, and low-tech friction featuring ease of use, community, and our expansion from a blockchain product to a metaverse gameworld.
Continuing our tradition of puns, we settled on the MEATAVERSE as the name. We launched our MEATAVERSE products before any other organizations or companies came up with their own vaporware duplications.
After reviewing all the options available, we decided the only and best choice for building this project was The Sandbox metaverse. The Sandbox operates SAND, on Ethereum and Polygon, which offers a large exposure to potential gamers for our product. In addition, and more importantly, The Sandbox has the most complete and working toolset available for building games in the metaverse: it was then (and remains today March 2023) the superior option available. Finally, the advanced tool-state of the Game Maker metaverse-building app allowed for rapid prototyping and production of our intended gamepark.
MEATAVERSE Central is the main component of our gamepark.
It is a social/community focused playground to hang out, foremost. Users will be able to login into The Sandbox and appear in our multiplayer social space. It will feature the MILES IS HIGH rock, metal and punk nights music club, and a special STEAK-HODLERS clubhouse with rotating hip-hop streams to vibe with. Meet new friends in our community, and meet up for matchmaking at a portal to one of our seven launch games, cooperative and pvp, in multiple genres. Players are able to use any avatar of the 10,000s available on The Sandbox, or 100,00s of items, in our meata-space. We will host interactive nights and podcasts where we will be streaming live from within our MEATAVERSE, to engage our fans and make new friends.
A portal to many fun free games
MEATAVERSE Central will be the social landing spot for users to access our gamepark. From this social space, will be a regularly updated and expanded array of portals to our game experiences, all free to play.
MEATAVERSE Central serves as the entry point, the launchpad, to an ever-changing arcade of fun. MEATAVERSE Central is the social space, the gathering portal and matchmaking, to these gameworlds that each have their own unique genres, and a steady stream of new gaming experiences.
At the full public launch of the MEATAVERSE, six games will be available for players to enjoy. Some of these games will feature other IPs, both from traditional media and other blockchain gaming experiences.
THE SMURFS for example, or ATARI's NINJA GOLFers, officially licensed as NFTs on The Sandbox, will feature in our MEATAVERSE of games.
The first public launch of THE MEATAVERSE gamepark will feature the following games:
Volcano Demolition Derby!
Grill Defender
Smurf-Ball Canyon
Meataball Mountain Invasion
Meataverse Towers
Ninja Golf VS Centipede (tentative, still prototyping this ATARI fusion)
Plungin' Platforms & Flyin' Mofos!
All 7 unique and much different game experiences will be available via portal to be played for free, in the MEATAVERSE.
We have alpha prototypes of all of games, and they are ready to go to full release status as soon as The Sandbox launches publicly. Currently (March 2023) The Sandbox is in alpha state, and the games are playable in alpha form, but multiplayer is not yet released for The Sandbox. We are waiting for The Sandbox product to mature and reach beta status before the technology and tools will allow for the public access available to all. On the first day that The Sandbox opens to the public, our MEATAVERSE will launch as well, bringing our meaty fun to the world in an easy-to-use, low-friction way.
Commonly referred to as NFTs, we will sell steak4all and meataverse assets on Erc-20 Ethereum, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 that can be used any of our games. High quality 3D assets such as clothes, aprons, BBQs, spatulæ and other official meataverse metaverse merchandise will be sold in the largest markets such as OpenSea and BLUR, further enhancing our market exposure within our over 50 neighbouring metaverse experiences available on the The Sandbox's metaverse.
A further key product offering will be our own Metaversal Fine Meats Shoppe, accepting exclusively our STEAKS token, offering a wide variety of fun and high-quality meat-related memorabilia and collectibles, potentially cross-chain with Ethereum, Polygon and BNB coin.