What's behind, and what lies ahead
This project has seen rapid growth, and unmatched game development times. Here is what has been released up until now, and our timeline for the future.
Note that upcoming products may be shifted around, and the timeline is flexible. Changes to our gameplan will be reflected here, as this document is updated regularly.
Q1: Steak4all validator agency established. 100% of all profits made from Steak4all has gone into product development, after ongoing costs are covered.
Q2: website created.
Q3: STEAKS token is created.
Q4: The first STEAKS airdrop successfully allocates 3,219,767 STEAKS to 1,705 users who staked with us, going back to March 26, 2021, using an in-house developed custom script.
Q1: The MEATAVERSE gamepark concept and vision announced.
Q2: Three unique, playable alpha games are prototyped for the gamepark.
Q3: Three more unique, playable alpha games are released for the gamepark.
Q4: Milestone release of our inaugural NFT series is released: CHEFS Holo-Cards.
Q1: Development of our Web3 STEAKS-powered MEATAVERSE game begins, codenamed 'Meat3.'
Q1: Creation of our whitepaper and document portal (that you are reading now).
Q2: Seeking investors for our project begins (including incubators, accelerators and launchpads.)
Q3: Development of the STEAKS-token marketplace for users to spend STEAKS.
Q3: Launch of additional NFT series of assets that are playable with Meat3.
Q4: Tentative early build footage release of Meat3 and announcement trailer.
QX: The Sandbox MEATAVERSE gamepark opens to the public when The Sandbox releases version 1 of their metaverse. As soon as it is technically possible to do so, we will launch our Meataverse to become a premier destination in the metaverse.
QX: STEAKS token will be launched for publicly available trading. This will happen once we have established and launched more of our product line, to increase the value of STEAKS token in trading from the first day of public availability
Last updated