steak4all and STEAKS token
Product status: Released and expanding
Steak4all is the only part of the meataverse that isn't strictly a game. Instead, steak4all can be considered the infrastructure of the meataverse.
Established in 2021, when validator agencies first became possible on the Elrond Network, steak4all started a three node staking validator agency, offering a place for 1000s of users to safely deposit their EGLD with our service, and receive rewards.
The early period for steak4all was difficult, as it was on the queue list for node activation, which in practical terms, meant the APR reward was zero.
In an effort to reward and add value to our cherished clients that stuck with us, we created the STEAKS Elrond Digital Standard Token (EDST). Why did we choose the name STEAKS? Well, we decided it was time to go all in with the meat puns, and we haven't looked back bacon. As for the token image of STEAKS, we claimed the unicode π₯© emojii as our go to, and a customized image as the token's official icon to display in the Elrond wallet:
STEAKS was one of the earliest tokens created by a validator agency on the Elrond Network. While we waited for activation of our nodes, we rewarded our 'steak-hodlers' with many STEAKS.
STEAKS were well received by our community, so we immediately began looking at ways to add value to the token in the future.
After our nodes activated, we continued the STEAKS tradition. Currently (03/2023), we reward all new depositors to steak4all 80 STEAKS per EGLD deposited, as a one time bonus airdrop reward.
Last updated